Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fresh Start

So we moved and are getting a fresh start.  I am excited for the next chapter in my life to begin. I am worried a lot about how the divorce will effect my kiddos, but then I remember that they are strong and am comforted by knowing that they are young and will most likely not remember how things were.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Uninvited Guest

Some uninvited Guest have shown up and just made themselves at home. I was hoping they would go away, but today they were still here so I Lysoled them.  They should be gone and we should all be feeling better soon.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Osbahr Christmas

We had a great Osbahr christmas.  I made every one PJS and I hope they all liked them.  I am thinking the next time I decide to make 16 pairs of PJ's I should give myself more then three weeks to complete them.  Thanks to Tony and Angie we now have the complete set of Transformer movies on Blue ray cant wait to watch them.  Ashton also got some hex bugs and he and Kylie love them.  Its fun to get together with Family and think every family should do it more then just on the Holidays.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

God's Job

So many of you know that I have been looking for a Job since June and so far no luck.  I have been trusting that God has a Plan and A job for me.  Sometimes this can be hard but every interview is just good practice and a reminder that God has something Great in Mind better than I could imagine.

Osbahr Family Christmas

Looking forward to the Osbahr Family Christmas on Friday.